Guide: How to Stop Coughing So Hard from Marijuana Smoke

How to Stop Coughing So Hard from Marijuana Smoke

Even if you are new to smoking marijuana, you most likely don’t want to look like a beginner. And nothing makes you look more like a newbie than coughing every time you take a hit. Your face might turn red, and your eyes may begin to water. Then, the coughing begins, and it shows others that you can’t hold your smoke. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to stop coughing, so you can look like a professional. 

How to Properly Inhale

To get the best effects, you should continue the process once the hit is in your mouth. Slowly draw your smoke into your lungs until you cannot draw it in anymore. Your mouth should be closed, which means you will breathe in through your nose. Now, hold it for a few seconds. 

After this, you will slowly exhale. There is a debate over whether holding your breath for as long as you can will make the high stronger. However, the truth is that you will only keep oxygen from your brain by doing this. This is because your lungs will absorb the maximum number of cannabinoids in the first few seconds that the smoke is there.

When you are ready to exhale, it is important that you do not let it all out too fast. By controlling the smoke, you can intensify your high while increasing your lung capacity, which might make you less likely to cough.

Using a Joint

If you are smoking cannabis, you might be using a joint, which is one of the most common methods. When you light one, you might put it up to your mouth and inhale through your filter while lighting the end. But you should light the end before taking your puff to ensure that you don’t get a blast of cannabis right away. 

Once it is lit, hold it up to your mouth and take just a few small puffs. Since there is not much protecting you from the smoke when you use a joint, it is even more important to take smaller hits. 

Using a Joint

Size of Your Hits

One of the first ways that you can reduce your coughing is to take a smaller hit. Of course, if you are at a party or with your friends, it can be tempting to want to impress them. But this is a common beginner mistake because your lungs are most likely not accustomed to cannabis and the smoke from it. Smoking isn’t a competition, so don’t be afraid of taking a smaller hit than your friends. Understand your limits.

After Your Hit

Once you have inhaled from your joint, take a deep breath of clean air. A common mistake is taking your hit and then not breathing in your smoke immediately. That might cause the smoke to become trapped in your throat, and then your body will start to go haywire. Inhaling the smoke immediately might also help you get a stronger hit.

The Kind of Cannabis Counts

You should also get the highest-quality cannabis you can find. This is why it is important to get it from a reputable supplier. Otherwise, it might have dangerous chemicals, such as pesticides, that can make every hit extremely harsh. No one wants to use a herb that has poisons on it. 

The best step is to get your cannabis from a high-quality dispensary, particularly one that tests its products with a third-party lab. It should have regulations in place that will ensure you are getting the highest-quality product possible. That will make a big difference when it comes to making sure you do not cough so much. 

Use a Bong

When you are smoking a joint, the smoke that you are inhaling is quite hot. Because of this, it can make you more likely to cough. But a bong can filter the smoke from your herb. It is basically a cylinder tube that has water near the bottom. There is a hole above the water level, which has a bowl and a downstem.

As you burn the cannabis in your bowl, the smoke will move down the stem and go under the water. The water will cool down the smoke a bit, and then it can bubble up through the chamber to your lungs. Since the smoke moves around quite a bit during the filtration process in the water, you can enjoy a creamier, thicker smoke. Plus, it is also quite a bit cooler than if you were to inhale it without being filtered.

The best way to take a hit from a bong is to incorporate some fresh air, which will ensure that you get a stronger hit. It might also reduce your chances of coughing.

Use a Bong

Try Other Products

Even if you follow these tips, you may still find that smoking marijuana makes you cough uncontrollably. You can put up with the coughing, but if it is too bad, you might not find the experience very enjoyable. Some people just tend to cough a lot every time they use cannabis, and that is because of their individual bodies. 

If you are one of these people, you don’t have to give up on cannabis. There are so many other cannabis products out there that you can enjoy a fun and relaxing high without constant coughing. They will each come with their own effects, but usually, coughing is not one of the issues.

Closing Thoughts

The best way to figure out the best method of smoking is to experiment. For instance, the closest you can get to smoking without actually doing it is through vaping. With this process, you are releasing the main parts of the plant before they combust, and the temperature is lower. This will avoid you releasing potentially toxic products that are created when you combust it. Plus, you might be less likely to start coughing so much. You can vape both oils and plant material.